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Professor Rushwan over yandex search engine Nose

on the dark side of the moon

One Man, millions of Students, and a better world for generations to come, Allah willing

We are innovators

The Best achievements by accomplished Professor Rushwan of all time

The Best achievements of Professor Rushwan for all time

We are innovators

The Best achievements of Professor Rushwan for all time


First Silent Submarine by battery Electric-free charging
No diesel Engines

Substituting submarine battery charging process of diesel and Electric charge with his breakthrough Genuine Invention of the chemically charging system

Prof. Rushwan Invented a membrane system with oxidizing and reduction silent process that charge the submarine battery to extended long period that eliminate the need for engines, which produced by accident the first silent submarine 

Egypt Military confiscated the invention and the factory without compensation and Prof. Rushwan Immigrated 

Prof rushwan

Founding the Technology bank

Professor Rushwan created the vision of having a bank for humanity making all technologies available for everyone.

rushwan octane gas capsules

rushwan octane gas capsules, reducing gas price against the refinery's well

As a response to Canadian consumer cry against the gas prices raise specially the huge price gap between 87 and 91 octane during the Canadian severe recession in the nineties as a Compelling evidence of consumer exploitation by refineries and oil companies

Hamed invented during his first chemistry study in canada for diplomas equivalency, and with free samples from the same refinery suppliers, the first Gas octane optimizer capsule to raise it from 87 to 91 with only tenth of the difference's cost.

Hamed started to save tens of millions to regular canadians nationwide

1993<br>correcting the prayer direction for millions in North America

correcting the prayer direction for millions in North America

Hamed used his simple & logical intuition and improvisation to correct a severe problem at the time took him yo a clear success and also got him into lifelong challenge with csis canada!

1993<br>correcting the prayer direction for millions in North America

discovering the secrets to trigger real wilderness in forest ginseng

By carrying his small lab in his car all times specially during his long extended wild foresting wandering, Prof. Rushwan found the Great Secret.

1993 correcting the prayer direction for millions in North America

Solving the friction calamity for Hovercraft technology

In his Ph.D. dissertation preparation professor Rushwan proposed a genuine solution to the calamity of Hovercraft pushing air but dragged by ground....
Prof. Rushwan Carried the Hovercraft over a Teflon cushion with ZERO ground friction and Kevlar substrate Plus Zylon caging.
1993<br>correcting the prayer direction for millions in North America

sending a whole tuwaf hovercraft factory to help flood victims in the Middle east

Professor Rushwan sent a whole Hovercraft factory to save victims of the upcoming flood he predicted to happen in 2009 according to his 5D module.
Dubai ports as per csis canada instructions destroyed the container, arabia government stopped the second alternative factory, the flood happened in the exact period of 2009 with thousands of deaths.
2010<br>creating the Gold nanotechnology vehicle to carry natural phytos treatments

creating the Gold nanotechnology vehicle to carry natural phytos treatments

Professor Rushwan used his new lab 99.999 nanogold to carry pharmaceutical treatments to the new lines of medical nano natural injections directly to the body system for Cancer, Penis Enlargement, and eventually it's used against covid-19 successfully.
2011<br>launching Prof. Rushwan's one million inventors international <br>campaign

launching Prof. Rushwan's one million inventors international

Professor Rushwan learned very well from csis canada encounter, thus, he decided to through his 7 courses technopreneur curriculum that is sells for $129 for absolutely free to generate a new generation knows hos to deal with challenges, a decade later, free downloads pass more than 10 million student technopreneurs all around the world.
2015<br>inventing a whole solar power slain water destilators  with Hydrogen/oxygen<br>fuel compression tanks

inventing a whole solar power slain water destilators with Hydrogen/oxygen
fuel compression tanks

Professor Rushwan found a smart methodology to store solar power without batteries by using Oxy/Hydro separation, then a new developed Oxy/Hydro engines & generators systems.
Professor Rushwan used horizontal concave stainless mirrors against horizontal SS slain water tubes to get ultra hot steam for fresh water and used the rest for cheap Oxy/Hydro production.
blockchain elections professor rushwan

using blockchain to get authenticated honest & fair elections

Professor Rushwan devolped a bitcoin similar system to be used in elections og any size to solve the worldwide elections dilemma
Professor Rushwan Green Mark Campaign

Professor Rushwan's Green Mark Campaign

Professor Rushwan Green Mark Campaign

Vaccine machine

inventing the COVID-19 public air vaccinator

Amid the corona covid-19 pandemic, Professor Rushwan invented and tested an apparatus to turn bacteria & viruses of any kind or variation in the air into dead particles that are good as an immediate vaccine for whatever in the air, non-harmful at the same time

International crescent line

international crescent line instead of Greenwich line

Professor Rushwan suggested replacing the Greenwich line with the international crescent line "ICL". As an Ideal solution for more than 2 billion Muslims around the Globe for Islamic calendar unified Start around the world and an electronic programmed watches that follow the start of the day by sunset and not the midnight.

Professor Rushwan predicted that the whole world will need this new system once the expected earth sudden slow spinning.

Prof. Rushwan's Engine Treatment

in the middle of the Canadian recession!

the first candian engine treatment

"Hamed" arrived into Canada during the severe recession of early nineties, last century, found canadian has to choose every day between enough food, or enough gas to go around their daily live, with ONE Million canadians on the social financial assistance in ontario alone, with enough discrimination from the police and sever racism in jobs, even government service not from white against coloured but even from black workers against colorism, it was his first time to experience discrimination based on skin, seemed stupid to him but a canadian nineties reality.

In his Applied technical science project, Hamed found that all car engine maintenance products are import!

Thus, he decided to conquer this market and turn canada from importer to exporter in this field, he explained how he started this R&D for  IRAP a government program for R&D and business start up.

Western Public are persuaded by success, Government Departments are persuaded by threats, and both will prioritize both mentioned parameters over Justice. "Hamed" did not anthropomorphize neither success nor a threat, so, No Apple for Johnny, Hamed been rejected by IRAP.

This unusual Start and success will become later a Part of his 10 years of research methodology perfection to be the first of his Ph.D. dissertation 7 projects.

And the Unusual 0 budget start will become his life motto in the next 7 countries, and an inspiration for millions after Hamed.

Prof. Rushwan's invention of the magnetic trap for car's oil filters and the next development for water pipe magnetizing drinking water for therapy purposes, with his signature on every product and an astonishing cesium mirrors to focus the magnetic field and drove TV viewers directly to Walmart with a sensation of relief for every car owner hoping to keep his car alive for the longest during the worse recision.

After over 30 years now Prof. Rushwan gave us an Example in 2021 Minneapolis will pay George Floyd's estate $27 million after city council votes to settle a lawsuit with family, a good new led by a coverage success to the public and a threat to the government department, but "NOWAY" many of similar cases will be treated the same for Justice, simply because they all lack the first 2 parameters that Professor Rushwan stated in his curriculum, "Success and Threat", Unfortunately.

Prof. Rushwan not only had to start from with zero budget during the Canadian recession, but only with zero budget production machine, not only because of budget, but the only 2 companies who control the product was an american and Japanese which both are less than welling to share their machines secrets with Canada, Canadian used to pay millions for this import during the worse recession under the influence of Ruthless TV promotional commercials, Prof. Rushwan had to start from scratch and invent, build, and then perfect his Engine Treatment Machine, the complete story is in his free  "Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs", Prof. Rushwan never knew that this challenge will pay now and very well later when Dubai will destroy His rescue mission container for the floods victims... continue reading and get surprised..

Prof. Rushwan Built this machine in his twenties

Although he started with 0 budget and canada government will later accept his R&D enrolment years later only to return his taxes afterwards against his complete research secrets!

You'll never believe how a new immigrant with broken English built a complete factory from 0 Budget

How to make a similar machine for multimillion dollars production line that exceeds their Quality?  Read it on: essential strategies for technopreneurs


ISBN-13 978-0-9737536-0-8

EAN 9780973753608

Absolutely FREE.

The following documenting photos started at 1992!

Beating the Market from the first season!

"People Love Innovation around their life" Hamed

Prof. Rushwan in his sales strategy during the undeveloped Canadian era of carton box sales, he originated the first "Touch and Feel" consumer right to see exactly and feel what is the product feature.

Professor Rushwan invented a new packaging media to compete at walmart that consumer can see excactly how the RushStar Golden products look like with no need to pick and open the package, that wa a great security concern at every store floor, Prof. Rushwan Solved it with one simple innovation, the package itself tells the story with every treated part in the first time in history 3D imposed Real life colour photos that consumer can feel and touch and get convinced, Professor Rushwan was the first to put the barcode on the bottom protected by see-through protective layer, sales hit skyrocket and next year RushStar got 10 new competitors, the story and strategy is in the free Professor Rushwan's Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs

In the Next year competitors thought they got rid of that young small fish, Prof Rushwan was ready with his new year strategy: "Try before you Buy", competitors got Flat. The Moral is: They never can bet an Inventor by steeling his Ideas, simply because he is still perfecting them for the rest of his life!.

Professor Rushwan's genuine Hybridized dna strings  wild ginseng

The project that restored the glory of candian wild ginseng

Project in a box, this how professor rushwan encouraged north Americans to use any shades they have in their garden even under the porch to start their 1 million dollar multiplying project, for only 19.95 the technopreneur will get 120 life ginseng for the price of 100  by spring the just but in the right spot according to Prof. Rushwan instructions facing east, shade of 70 to 80% and soil pH values near 5 to 6, you even get the pH meter free of charge.

This 20% extra ginseng to guarantee technopreneur satisfaction and to cover any unsuccessful live  arrival

10 by 12 rows, too many have their 1 million dollar ginseng forests now after 25 years of professor rushwan launching his first initiative.


the fifth invention in Prof. Rushwan's dissertation:
Teflon/kevlar/zylon for Hovercrafts

As a very good observer, Prof. Rushwan recognized that hovercrafting since it's pre western exploitation is a No fair desperate measure to solve a no fair challenges.

Since Sultan Muhammad AlFatih the genuine inventor of Tawaf " Hovercraft in new  western terminology" eliminating the underneath friction of his ship by grease on wooden tracks over Istanbul mountain terrains to bring them in to the middle of the Golden Horn to bring justice and relief to obsessed people of Old Istanbul

The Perception that Hovercraft is working between two different worlds/media as the thrust is in the AIR, but the drag is from the surface; water/sand/grass/snow and ice.  This observance from Hamed's Mind led hid to get both worlds almost equal in their coefficient of friction and here came his invention including the poly tetrafluoroethylene amalgamated Kevlar/Zylon.

Solving the closed cell skirt flushing problems

Professor RUSHWAN Hovercraft Teflon Kevlar Air cushion Invention and testing site

Professor RUSHWAN Hovercraft Teflon Kevlar Air cushion Invention and testing site

Prof. Rushwan's invention of the Dolphin Tail rare hovercraft Kevlar substrate segments raised the heavy tail hovercraft by a whole surprising 7 degrees once the hovercraft reaches the Humb-Speed "Hump-speed occurs at low-speed of around 8-12 knots", Professor Rushwan good Hybrid Observation always results benefits for surrounded communities and the world.

Professor RUSHWAN Hovercraft Teflon Kevlar Air cushion Invention and testing site

Professor RUSHWAN Hovercraft Teflon Kevlar Air cushion Invention and testing site

Professor RUSHWAN Hovercraft Teflon Kevlar Air cushion Invention and testing site

Professor Rushwan's contribution to local community

"If you think it's the right thing to do, never think twice", Hamed

Correcting the prayer direction in North America
"once it gets complicated to Jude: get back to basics" hamed.

When Hamed arrived to Canada in early nineties of the last century he observed a strange phenomenon in almost every Muslim mosque he visited as he likes setting aside observing people's behaviour and visiting a new mosque every new Friday, a strange group of gangs claim that they are Muslims cursing the Imam and forcing masjid attendants to pray into the southeast direction from Toronto, they even interrupt prayer and brake prayer lines to pray into their direction with a "flat world paper map" shows that Makkah is south-east of Toronto, If these gangs felt any hesitation from ordinary Muslims they start a quarrel, and suddenly the Toronto Police officers show up very fast entering the mosque with their shoes and a hair cacophonous lady officers arresting the ordinary Muslims for the quarrel leaving the gangs!, next day you'll find it in the news and papers!

Hamed started to ask around, Muslims told him that the gangs are called "Ahbash" or awbash in slang street accent, and they are very few in numbers but well backed legally for unknown reasons and ordinary Muslims are really confused where are the truth about Prayer directions and an increasing amount started to change prayer direction in entire mosques contrary to the original direction of the designer Muslim architect who died without anyone been interested to ask him how he figured out the original direction many decades ago!

As usual in Hamed's personality, the situation became every thing that he can think about, for the first time in his life he gets troubled about what he believed in Canada's advertised justice and about what he saw personally, may be the Awbash got a point, but how come nearly a million Muslim most of them are highly educated in Canada did not solve this problem and keep getting harassed in every prayer with the mosque Neighbors complaints and the Toronto Police officers are just always around the corner, but not when many mosques catch fire by intentionally aimed fireworks in Canada Day!

Hamed has a principle of life learned it from the Holy Quran, once it becomes very complicated to Jude: get back to basics

Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah." If then they turn back, say ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will). 64 Al-Imran, the principle is if we have many deferences together let's agree about one thing we have in common "Allah Almighty".

So, it popped up, The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Parallel lines never meet. On a curved surface, like a globe: The shortest distance between two points is a curved line (on a spherical globe, the shortest distance is a great circle). very simple and very basic for every mind even gangs.  OK, he bought a globe and weights and distinctive coloured line and hanged the weights on the Globe between Toronto and Makkah to show the shortest curved line, guess what happen the original Muslim architect direction was RIGHT, the Prayer direction "Qibla" was North-east all times.

Hamed started to give demonstrations around the mosques in Canada, ordinary Muslims picked the string and started buying globes and give demonstration even for their home guest conversation from Toronto to Vancouver, taking  pictures and print flyers and in just few weeks a calamity of decades in Canada been eliminated by the blessing of Allah

Hamed later documented it on the internet, you van get back to the Internet archive to monitor the story:


Although the questionable csis & ismaili relation in Vancouver, Muslims turned to the opposite direction of the previously wrong direction of southwest to the north side of the north-east!

is Canada a free country?
Don’t judge a book by its cover, csis

pay for your help

Hamed didn't know by then as a new humble citizen in Canada that he became in deep trouble with csis, he didn't even know what csis means, he knew later that Awbash, Ahmadia, every strange questionable Deviant cult are backed by csis and even financed by the Canadian government, but not the main stream peaceful Muslims!

Punishment of his sincere and innocent intervention started by threatening him of removing his 3years old autistic son from him and his wife if not driving over nigh for thousands of kilometres between provinces to bring the poor boy in -35c winter to a shadow doctor in nova scotia province travelling from Ontario and from pei to allow this shadow doctor to conduct experiments on the boy in the front of his trainee without Anaesthesia making the autistic boy cry and scream in the front of his parents as a civil punishment for his scientific Qibla correction Intervention.

When Hamed stood up for his son and requested to elevate csis pressure into public, csis through agents tried to abduct his autistic son through local Conspirators in pei from the mosque during Ramadan PRAYER, within a frantic 1-minute search after discovering his son's abduction, Hamed drove his car fast to find the boy in the hands of a stranger pei woman 2 kilometres away coming down from her car. 

The List goes on!

Federal Court holds that Canadian Security Intelligence Service Broke the Law, but not in Hamed's case!, simply because he is prevented from making a case.

A Third party Search on csis Crimes

csis broke the denial and followed & collected foreign intelligence on Prof. Rushwan in seven countries to jeopardize his efforts to save people

CSIS' mandate is the gathering of intelligence. However, in recent years, the information gathered by CSIS, which may have originally contemplated to be use only for intelligence purposes, has increasingly come to be used as evidence in administrative or criminal proceedings. I will come back to this point later, but would simply note at this point that in such cases, there will be an opportunity for the person affected to challenge the validity of the warrant or the admissibility of some or all of the evidence collected pursuant to the warrant. However, CSIS cannot simply do what it pleases in carrying out its statutory mandate

Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS transgressions

Illegal spying shows need to update security laws

In fact, csis unethical hiring of Neighbors and relatives to do the spy job in csis's behalves as a sub-contractors to earn a dirt money, destroys community trust, strings, and public goodwill, plus The breakdown of family relations and the ties of kinship

A Call from the Canadian prime minster's office!

After a long series of contributions since the Qibla direction invention, Hamed invented many new products even a new way of life away from the stressed slavery of cities making him unintentionally a public Muslim figure requested to give speeches in Canadian mosques specially in Friday prayer.

In a regular Canadian morning, Prof. Rushwan received a call from the Canadian prim minster office opting his feed in about Canada joining the war on Iraq for the alleged  weapons of mass destruction "Lie"?

Guessing that Prof. Rushwan is a free man in a free country, Hamed expressed his opinion Sincerely and honestly in a very polite toon saying: "the curse of Abusing and killing innocents in Iraq, will stay within Canada haunting its new generations"

Prime Minister Paul Martin took his decision"Canada won't send troops to Iraq"  csis's gone mad and sent their agent "Michael Sullivan" to Hamed's Canadian residence through one of Muslim community heads "usually hired by csis or local masonic groups - heads who are not hired this way been left as a bait under surveillance or had their own deviant ego - No human rights as Article 18 are exercised over there"

Michael Sullivan brought many other agents from the local police,  Agent provocateur, and other character judging, surveillance agents to present Hamed with a National Threat letter "Michael Sullivan" claimed to receive. Hamed acted naturally and quietly saying: "Don't you think a badly written physical white paper handwritten letter is an old csis fashion in this new electronic age?  won't all our computer and phone communications goes through your csis main cable?"  Agents left rethinking their tactics.

Prof. Rushwan since his new beginning in Canada invented the first Canadian engine treatment putting the Canadian industry in competition course with the American in the national market swept by US products, Hamed sold his products through Walmart chain mega stores and Canadian TV commercials.

Prof. Rushwan until then had many great inventions saved Billions of dollars for all Canadians through the recent recession, as the Magnetic strap that extended the oil change intervals safely, the complete engine treatment package that saved millions in auto maintenance, rushwan octane that converts cheap gas into high octane gas for a fraction of the price, even "Garbage smell control agent spray" to protect health during long windows locked Canadian winter. All that through his new corporation "RushStar Corporation - registered 1995" Hamed used to sell in the lowest price possible to help with the Canadian recession and to try to improve Canadian export Hamed developed a methodology to trigger wilderness in forest Ginseng, this new invention been applied with carrying all the expenses on Hamed's capital in 233 acers in PEI with a Canadian Partner who provided the land, the RushStar wild ginseng invigorated by the new Prof. Rushwan Projects, not realizing that he is under severe Audio/Video/Tracking surveillance by csis through bad neighbours, Prof. Rushwan expanded his operation to improve hovercrafts to help Canadians from getting stuck in the vast ocean of snow in winter, Prof. Rushwan's hovercraft new Teflon/Kevlar air cushion system hit a new success and been added to his 10 years Ph.D. Dissertation "Research & Development Techniques, A thesis Case Studies" ISBN-13 978-0-9737536-1-5

Almost 2 decades later, the WMD lie became a multi international governmental scandal and the Long vision and sincere advice of professor Rushwan to protect Canadians from the indignation of destroying another nation became very obvious but after destroying the life of Prof. Rushwan too!

"After no WMDs were found, the left claimed ‘Bush lied. People died" Former Bush administration press secretary Ari Fleischer, in a Twitter thread, March 19, 2019

George W. Bush really did lie about WMDs, and his aides are still lying for him

Tell Me Lies: Propaganda and Media Distortion in the Attack on Iraq

Lie by Lie

Tony Blair: I express more sorrow

"If sorry for killing is good enough, why do we have courts then?" Prof. Rushwan

power in the wrong hands

csis's revenge on "hamed"

Prof. Rushwan & his family encountered a dangerous chase by a local pei man trying to through them off the road into a ditch, Prof. Rushwan a former racer, escaped the encounter saving his family and his young infant son inside the car, the case ended in court, jailing the man for only one month, while the CBC played a hard propaganda to defend the attacker and collect sympathy around him!

After help too many Canadians starting their own wild Ginseng business and financial independence, local pei folks started to attack Prof. Rushwan's wild forest and steel his wild ginseng with the Bloomfield police turning the blind eye, and officially warning Prof. Rushwan from confrontation, or he will be the focus of the case, in other words get ripped quietly.

Hamed's current university where he arranged his Ph.D. contacted him after years of Government supervision for his Ph.D. research refusing issuing his degree although his 10 years and 7 projects Ph.D. Dissertation was almost ready with the Canadian Government IRAP agency supervision approval on it! , Prof. Rushwan arranged his Ph.D. fro the HoverCollege as His dissertation contained the Invention of the first Kevlar/Teflon hovercraft air cushion system in history.

to avoid csis foul play to tame him, prof rushwan received his professorship from the rushstar university as a chair for distributing millions of his curriculum for technopreneurs around the world

Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs

Both Hovercollege and RushStar University are to support researchers away from the control of csis

Michael Sullivan came very furious to Prof. Rushwan after deciding to get off his bad recruiting plan and told him bluntly "I don't mind getting you on a black helicopter to Guantanamo"  figuring it out, Michael Sullivan was villainy trying to push Prof. Rushwan outside Canada where he can take revenge on him as Canada always do!, Public didn't care when No relatives legal immigrant Muslim Women mysteriously died inside canadian custody, No question Asked

Prof. Rushwan's stake was the religious sense in Arabia that is not allowed in Canada, where csis may regress among public.

Prof Rushwan decided to immigrate back from the bad immigration destination and take his family and try to help humanity in other places around the world, this time to help Flood victims with his hovercrafts in Arabia, during the previous decade Hamed had studied the 5D of Arabia flood pattern X,Y,Z, Timing, and expected behaviour probabilities, He sacrificed everything he has built in Canada because of csis local agents, and has chosen to ship hovercraft factory "Materials and Actual Hovercrat with Teflon air cushion"  in a high 40' sea container + the needed material for 100 new technologies to help people experimenting new carriers and never used before invented products that will help in the 5th D during crises in the Middle East, starting from Rescue Hovercrafts to one man well drill to anti impact kevlar life vest to anti bombing zirconium underground rooms to wild ginseng fast extracting process as a tonic to injured, to styptic series he started under the brand Niagara, natural endurance testosterone he invented under the brand of Elixir + plus tens more.....

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" (Chinese: 千里之行,始於足下; pinyin: Qiānlǐ zhī xíng, shǐyú zú xià; lit. 'A journey of a thousand Chinese miles (li) starts beneath one's feet')

Step by step to the rescue!

Hamed after receiving his Ph.D. From HoverCollege Canada for his Government approved Ph.D. Dissertation that took 10 consecutive years of his life and 7 comprehensive projects for inventions from the idea to the Final product in Zero Budget rule.

Dr. Rushwan at that time was studying on his expenses repetitive flood patterns in Arabia for years

A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for.

Step 1. Analisys

Dr. Rushwan's Analysis showed a way to find key parameters that trigger the floods a few months after the parameters accumulate together.

Step 2. Creative concept

Dr. Rushwan concepted the light small stable flexible hovercraft in the only concept that can fly on water against flood's current reaching victims, rescue them, started experimenting.

Step 3. Well preparations, Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

Dr. Rushwan requested a high 40' container to pack it with a factory for hovercrafts after obtaining a temporary electronic licence from the authorities there plus studying all the allowed and prohibited materials in Jeddah seaport customs with direct phone calls to the authorities there.

Step 4. Never hesitate, Life begins at forty

Dr. Rushwan left his over 230 acres of wild ginseng in the trust of his canadian partner who stole everything later with the blessing of csis, Dr. Rushwan took his family after few attacks to kill them in thier pei wild ginseng farm, canada later punished the authorized gun seller who sold an authorized firearm according to Dr. Rushwan's firearm legal license to protect his family and autistic son!, Dr. Rushwan left to Arabia.

Step 5. Start Upon Arrival
Honesty is the best policy.

Dr. Rushwan upon his arrival went to Imarat Makkah authorities and warned them about his Discovery and a crucial FLOOD date in 2009, the authority officer replied him "you have a crucial date too, after 4 days from now your 5 days Omrah visa will expire and either to get out or to get jailed"!

The Same day he got an email from the ocean freighter "your container is on hold by Canadian authorities"!

Step 6. If you started, be determined
A thing begun is half done.

Dr. Rushwan offered the hovercraft, forklift, engine treatment processing machines, Teflon amalgamation machines and other great industrial, testing, calibration machines on the containers for sale, sending the buying offer to the freighter warning them of suing for loss if not getting his container, went to the investment authorities offering a complete list of the container factory with comprehensive pictures manifest and asked to change his visa as an investor, Mr Khoshiem the clean authoritative manger accepted the offer and supported Hamed in his quest to fight the flood, Dr. Rushwan became legal and the container is in the way.

Step 7. If flood is coming, no time to celebrate Transient success

Dr. Rushwan offered the hovercraft, forklift, engine treatment processing machines, Teflon amalgamation machines and other great industrial, testing, calibration machines on the containers for sale, sending the buying offer to the freighter warning them of suing for loss if not getting his container, went to the investment authorities offering a complete list of the container factory with comprehensive pictures manifest and asked to change his visa as an investor, Mr Khoshiem the clean authoritative manger accepted the offer and supported Hamed in his quest to fight the flood, Dr. Rushwan became legal and the container is in the way.

On one very hot morning in Arabia's Ramadan during fasting, Dr. Rushwan received a call from a rare, exceptional, extraordinary, hard-working, honest port employee that there is an abandoned container arrived with no documents or recipient is ready to be destroyed but found a local phone # written by hand on it!

In one hour Dr. Rushwan arrived to Jeddah seaport under the management of Dubai DP World a management full of scandals with questionable close ties to many Canadian departments:



Dr. Rushwan arrived to arrange for the hovercraft container release, DP World said nothing will be released, and we will destroy this container

Dr. Rushwan Explained for them a FLOOD is coming in less than 4 years and shown them the pattern on his Laptop, DP World did not buy it.

All Arabia security departments been summoned upon all government wide warning against Dr. Rushwan's contains:

Weapons and ammunition Department

War Tactic equipment Department

The navy Investigations

Saudi National Security

Dr. Rushwan Stood by his container and said this is the efforts of 20 years that I brought to you to protect your loved ones and children from a ferocious flood

the DP World investigator used to pick up the Hovercraft epoxy vacuum coating bottle and ask Dr. Rushwan what is this, Dr. Rushwan answer the label says it all, then the investigator removes the label in the front of him saying: no it doesn't, Dr. Rushwan said send it to lab analysis, the DP World manager attending the investigation replies quickly, sorry we can't analyse hundreds of high tech materials just for one container, destroying it is the right answer.

The Chief of the Saudi Maritime Border Guard issued a letter for Dr. Rushwan to receive his hovercraft only as his authority doesn't allow for more and Amid stiff opposition among his own staff!

DP World enjoyed destroying every piece of the container and poor all liquids as a torture for Dr. Rushwan, and until they go tired they shipped back the rest to csis, csis Canada uses their own made terrorism issues to steal the money, properties, possessions, technology and everything from Muslims, makes you wonder if this is a new type of Mosad.

csis canada manipulates evidence using Deepfake AI video technology, this how csis deceived many Officials in the Middle East and even putting the fake evidence on prof. Rushwan international customs and immigration access files for all airports, this Unethical csis practice not only caused the destruction of prof. Rushwan's career & personal life including the life integrity of many good and righteous people associated with him for a pure clear good cause, but also the death of thousands mostly innocent women & children in their sleep!

csis canada recruited bad neighbours around Prof. Rushwan in every country he moved to, trained them on the deepfake technology and how to report to local authorities wasting tens of $ millions of canadians hard earning dollars exploiting mostly fake cases to feed to its existence on others blood, every family of 4 in canada pays csis the Canadian Security Intelligence Service  an annual ransom of $1000 for false sense of security and too many fabricated cases, worse than insurance companies!

To be or not to be

"You see that the people are of different natures. Those who were the best in the pre-lslamic period, are also the best in Islam if they comprehend religious knowledge" prophet muhammad peace and blessings be upon him

Dr. Rushwan ill after Dubai caused the death of thousands of Saudis

After DP World destroyed his rescue hovercraft container upon canada's csis request!

Dr. Rushwan went back to Makkah and fall ill with few body organs suffered from a temporary failure! for seeing his ten years of hard work to save people deliberately destroyed as revenge from csisthat they couldn't accomplish in canada but easy through arab accomplices officials, he needed weeks to recover, and started to formulize his own natural medicine from local arabia desert wild herbs after inventing a local apparatus to extract them into new invented Phytos, Muslim fasting helped his HGH and started to recover with the blessing of Allah Almighty.

God helps those who help themselves

Dr. Rushwan ill after Dubai caused the death of thousands of Saudis

a Higher cause over kinship

At this Severe psychological suffering for Hamed started to receive calls from people in Arabia looking at his future plans, he refused to elaborate, the thunderbolt surprise was his mother interrogating him for a third party about his plan for the container!, then later about some secret ingredients in his own treatment the ciss surveillance couldn't figure it out!, then the latest advising his ex-wife to start her own business away from Hamed. OMG they got to her through the bad cousin.

Dr. Rushwan commented: If they offered you less than $10M to spy on me, they must think you are not smart!

Dr. Rushwan gave His mother the honour to be the second Muslim woman after his ex-wife to get training rescue hovercraft course in the world, and here we are, his mother sacrificing the family kinship, Dr. Rushwan commented: I'll never sacrifice my responsibility for thousands of expected flood victims.

"Never test the depth of water with both feet."
With Istikharah during Ramadan Dr. Rushwan decided to initiate his contingency plan and use all means as long he came that far
There are more ways than one to skin a cat

What csis didn't realize by focusing on the hovercraft container, plus putting Dr. Rushwan under audio/video/tracking/community surveillance is Dr. Rushwan developed a special coded Arabic with his family even their Arabic Egyptian turncoat interpreter can't figure it out.

Dr. Rushwan Brought with him a wild Ginseng Seeds/rootlets from his private forest and started first mobile mini wild ginseng forest over a very cold Arabian mountain, guess csis didn't learn DGS: dormant ginseng stratification!

Dr. Rushwan Arabian Ginseng

Arabian Wild Ginseng among aloevera
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Silver lining appeared quickly, starting a strong new strain of Dr. Rushwan's Wild Ginseng, Now new and beautifully Arabian Wild Ginseng.

DP World didn't know what this empty frame is

Part of the Arabic code were dis-assembling all machines in separate parts, so what ever broken stuff he received from DP World, he re assembled his Engine Treatment machine and started exporting to Malaysia!

Wild Ginseng

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Wild Ginseng private forests

After his immediate success Dr. Rushwan Started to offer contracting Wild Ginseng Private forests with all the needed secrets, but quickly found out that all Saudi investor he met want to take the rootlets he succeeded previously in their land without any real protection for his rights, he is considered a foreigner came for money and not to replace the contents of the container that arrived to save them, saving us is the Job of our great government and not you, so cut it out "one confronted him rudely".

Adaptability & pragmatic approaches

So, Dr. Rushwan quickly changed his approach from building and contracting Wild Ginseng Forests all around Arabian Sarawat mountain ranges to selling the Wild Ginseng itself to final customer and in direct competition to imported chemical medicine.

Look locally and build a network giving people a cause to support themselves in you and defy csis's gossips

Dr. Rushwan new strategy was to replace all the destroyed container contents by local materials, what csis didn't realize that through his Arabic coding Egyptian method he kept a tiny list with him for every thing and technology in the upcoming container for verification.

And started designing his first arabin anti impact flood life vest, 4 years is not long enough to warn millions and prepare live vests for them.

Dr. Rushwan Life Vest for Arabian floods

Building capital from side products to build the hovercraft factory

Beside the engine treatment products, Ginseng Products, the anti-flood products not only out for public but the idea itself started to be a public talk

Dr. Rushwan Life Vest for Arabian floods

all means out to rescue in holy Makkah

Dr. Rushwan using all income from the contingency projects started to assemble the previously dis assembled hovercratf named in Arabic TAWAF and ready by the first winter and even from Dr. Rushwan Makkah Home.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Building capital from side products to build the hovercraft factory

Dr. Rushwan Added suppling Hovercraft teflon skirts and air cushion to oil compaied in arabia and around the world to be added to his projects to build the factory and manufactorer hovercrafts before his flood pattern due in 2009.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Building capital from side products to build the hovercraft factory

Dr. Rushwan applied for an official industrial land to build the hovercraft factory, his hope to rescue as much people as he can blinded his mind that Saudis use investors to build factories then expel them and steel factories, he hoped that the cause can spare him from their greed.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Building capital from side products to build the hovercraft factory

Dr. Rushwan used emergency service of an architect office to get all designs ready ASAP as per his rescue plan for victims.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Arabian Hovercraft by domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan planned new local tawaf structure using pipes for floating and harness, plus working as air ports for the tawaf hovercraft

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Full charge race against time to build the rescue centre and factory

Dr. Rushwan used to be available to monitor the factory progress in the morning, running the other supporting contingency projects at noon, continue the R&D for the local matrial on 2 shifts for a total of 16 continuous working hours most of the days

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Arabian flood life vest from domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan use the factory building time to demonstrate the floatability and durability of his first produced Arabian flood life vest

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Hovercraft rescue centre in Holy Makkah

Dr. Rushwan witnessed the new rescue factory popping up checking small detailed one on one

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Three floors first rescue Hovercrfat tawaf factory in Arabia

Dr. Rushwan designed his rescue hovercraft factory as an open house to public for rescue technics and life demonstration.

The factory been designed to release the running hovercrafts directly once the flood starts

Exactly as he has done in his first winter ion Holy Makkah with the dis assembled tawaf.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Arabian Hovercraft by tested domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan with focus on how the arabia flood environment is very tough that most victims die from getting hit by stray half floating cars and fast passing debris, tawaf been designed to be very flexible and works as a floating choke absorber.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Aluminum Hovercraft propeller from domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan observed back in canada during his Ph.D. research inventing the Teflon/Kevlar air cushion system as the first new hovercraft invention in the latest 50 years, he spotted that nylon propellers gets distorted and misshaped on high speed through a turbulent wind which exactly the flood near water climate, this precise Perception allowed him to invent the first complete system of propellers and Hub for the hovercraft made of only 200 recycled soft drink aluminium cans.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Arabian peninsula Twafa Hovercraft training centre

Dr. Rushwan has originated the first hovercraft training and testing Indoor air-conditioned mega pool the can provide waves, water current, and rescue scenario sessions to the public free of charge with free green tea and green coffee.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Arabian peninsula Twafa Hovercraft training centre with wave machines featuring water coolers.

Dr. Rushwan add a 2 underfloor huge halls for set the wave and cooling machines using the previously featured foam epoxy/ fibre-stone instead of fibre glass that made of silica sand, limestone, and soda ash, but Hamed ovesrved the Makkah Mountains abundant dust as a side product of the mountains crushing operation, these domestic materials feaatured properties of Kevlar and zylon together to coat the whole pool with outer and inner surfaces containing leaking multi sensors connected to the factory pool monitoring map

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Arabian Hovercraft with domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan repeatedly tested the new invented Aluminium Hub/Propellers system and got astonished how the aluminium system produced better air flow - low noise level - 0 misshape on high speed - better debris endurance - high turbulence stability

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

First Arabian Hovercraft with domestic materials

Dr. Rushwan started preparing his staff by direct courses in Hovercrfating he authored and weekly testing and brain storming sessions

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

csis is the direct cause of thousands of dead children in the upcoming saudi flood

Dr. Rushwan started getting observers and hovercraft new arab fans waiting for this new history to start, realizing that he is targeted hired an undercover private investigator for surveilling his factory, the striking new just came before the final walling step, a strange foreigner with a suite case that is used to carry a big amount of cash came to the contractor and then went  togther to the industrial zone management, the stranger later left without the case.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

When you watch Muslims fighting together, you must know csis & associates were there

Dr. Rushwan next day found the contractor committing treason by selling his factory section by section, Dr. Rushwan called the police who came with the trade zone vice manager to announce the expropriation of the factory for reasons that he will not disclose!

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

An emergency plan for the contingency plan
It’s not over till it’s over

Dr. Rushwan through escrow agent rented a factory ready with walls to start from where he left off and started adding ACs, fire systems, and building an inside living quarter and Masjid.

Dr. Rushwan went later to Riyadh in 2008 and notified the authorities about what happened and that Arabia is expecting a severe flood in less than a year, their reply was shame on you making side projects to finance your hovercraft factory.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

Dr. Rushwan felt the Noah 's feelings when most people around him Accused him of lying, he started to recalculate his patten, it showed that next pilgrimage season could be the flood surge, he went to the Glossy head of The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to sound the alarm, the head quietly referred him to a very young Saudi new employee to assess the credibility of Hamed!, the employee didn't even bother to look at the referral.

Hamed got the message and started quickly to build his first Tawaf hopefully he can finish 10 before the flood, a new local engine started the testing to be connected to the new Aluminium Hub/propeller system in a continuous 16/17 work hours day and night.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Where there’s a will, there’s a way

Dr. Rushwan to work on 3 parallel rescue tools to avoid the csis plan to shut him off before finishing the hovercraft knowing he is under surveillance he launched a huge promotional campaign to provide the anti impact flood life vest to be available in every car, besides he used his previous invention for UH15 hovercraft to build a life bubble for every house that can keep people alive inside for days waiting for the rescue.

As a response Canada closed down his Canadian supplier capabilities site to limit his reach out capabilities instead of helping rescue people - he commented "western intelligence invented terrorism to kill Muslims in every possible way"

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft propeller for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan figured the methodology to invent a very light tawaf light rescue hovercraft to be managed by one man only, the new local material not only can spin in a very high speed and severe turbulence, but also lift a hovercraft with only a 1HP lifting power!

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan decided to make two tawaf hovercrafts, a very light practical tawaf that will not exceed 60 lg and can be taken during the flood surge into makka's tiny Narrow single dark lanes during the flood and also to be wide enough not to flip, and light enough to put back in upright position with a sealed engine that won't stall taking water

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft propeller for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan

Fall seven times. Stand up eight.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft engine for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan

Slow and steady wins the race

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft engine for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan

Actions speak louder than words

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft engine for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan found out that his local agent is scaring the workers off and later after scaring everybody called prof. Rushwan and told him "you are on your own"

Prof. Rushwan continued by him self for 18 working hours daily and continued warning people and neighbours about the imminent maverick flood no one saw before, Nobody yielded a single hand!

Prof. Rushwan succeeded to complete the first tawaf rescue hovercraft in 1200 working hours over almost 2 months in a severe struggle.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The lightest hovercraft engine for a very light hovercraft design

Dr. Rushwan just days before testing the first rescue hovercraft received a call from the Saudi investment authority revoking his licence because of a disturbing intelligence they received, banning him from departing Arabia, and a clear warning to stop any progress in his work.

Also Mr Khoshiem the clean government supporter been held for a trial with a nationwide investigation and interrogation with everyone cooperated with Prof. Rushwan.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Two wrongs don’t make a right

Dr. Rushwan fall very ill between life and death and rushed to hospital in altaif city where he fought for his life for a week, then moved later to his residence for rehabilitation

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Time and tide wait for no man
the floods struck exactly at the precise time prof. Rushwan warned of!

Dr. Rushwan: I hoped it will not happen and hated to be right on this.

The Irony that the most hit area is Quwaizah where the families of most people shared the destruction of the rescue hovercraft under dubai ports order.

Thousands of deaths overnight, mostly children, elderlies, and women in their sleep.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

What goes around comes around
the floods struck exactly at the precise time prof. Rushwan warned of!

Dr. Rushwan: I hoped it will not happen and hated to be right on this.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

The floods struck exactly at the precise time prof. Rushwan warned of!

Dr. Rushwan: I hoped it will not happen and hated to be right on this.

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Prof. rushwan: csis canada is the murderer in 2009 floods

Dr. Rushwan  after leaving the hospital suffering from un treatable after chock, lost more than half of his weight in 4 years Arabian quest against flood, csis, local Arabian greed, and Traitorous local agent said very clear csis killed those children, elders, and sleeping women.

Professor Rushwan packed the whole new factory in a huge container he bought to help in other place around the world, the container got stolen inside saudi arabia after he refused giving it to a csis accomplice in riyadh,saudi arabia!

Adversity and loss make a man wise

If your way of life is injustice, never count on your prayer for forgiveness. "Prof. Rushwan"

Dr. Rushwan teflon hovercraft aircusion for Arabian floods

Prof. rushwan with Eyes Full Of Tears "why letting people die?"

After the Horrible and devastating flood, the arabian authorities had to choose at least to let him go, they only lift the departure ban!

Dr. Rushwan left arabia with Eyes Full Of Tears saying to himself: who is that Satan killing tens of thousands of innocents, destroying family ties, teaching good Peoples and Neighbors how to betray and spy for stealing the hard work of others just to prove a false point or even a lie that is never been proven over decades?........!




Authorities thought it's a one time fluke, prof. Rushwan said it's expected again, but allowing him to fly was a better choice to get rid of a witness: Don’t throw the baby with the bathwater

Nano Technology

Professor rushwan innovates Nano Silver & gold for Organic natural medications

Professor rushwan innovates Nano Silver & gold for medications

March 2020

Professor Rushwan successfully implemented his highly elevated Nano Technology to treat his clients  during the pandemic

Using the Nano Gold to carry and destroy the virus, and it's variants Professor Rushwan quietly arranged a Strategy to deal with pandemic, his clients appreciated going throught the Pandemic naturally and even treated for the lingering after mass symptoms.

Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs

Essential Strategies for Technopreneurs

To sum his half a century life sciences, experience, and encounters, professor Rushwan summed it in only 7 courses as his professorship curriculum for essential strategies for technopreneurs, sold on amazon, and free directly from the International technology Bank, downloads exceeded 11 millions through 2021

Innovations to make your life a better one.

Prof. Rushwan learned from continuous encounters with csis machinations how to develop a strategy for all people to make your brain the capital of your kingdom which is your life. Creating the personal tech curriculum in seven consecutive course on Amazon, and then provide them free for all humanity, made it easy how to start from Under ZERO Budget any time and after every machination, he enjoyed it six times until now and looking for the seventh!

Free inventions from Professor Rushwan

Free inventions from Professor Rushwan
Changing your mind and changing world
Mauris sodales


Changing your mind and changing world
Integer blandit


Changing your mind and changing world
Proin sollicitudin


Changing your mind and changing world
Vestibulum pulvinar


What they said about Prof. Rushwan

What they said about
Prof. Rushwan

Changing your mind and changing world

Dr. William R. Bertelsen: Prof. Rushwan Hovercraft Teflon/Kevlar innovation is genuine and a breakthrough, looking forward to amalgamating our forces together.
Dr. William R. Bertelsen: Prof. Rushwan Hovercraft Teflon/Kevlar innovation is genuine and a breakthrough, looking forward to amalgamating our forces together.
Dr. William R. Bertelsen: Prof. Rushwan Hovercraft Teflon/Kevlar innovation is genuine and a breakthrough, looking forward to amalgamating our forces together.

Dr. William R. Bertelsen

john madison: Used Prof. Rushwan all innovative products from automotive to wild ginseng, I'm kind of addicted to his way of innovation
john madison: Used Prof. Rushwan all innovative products from automotive to wild ginseng, I'm kind of addicted to his way of innovation
john madison: Used Prof. Rushwan all innovative products from automotive to wild ginseng, I'm kind of addicted to his way of innovation

president of interchange corporation

Professor Rushwan's Invention is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and efficient way for saying i care
Professor Rushwan's Invention is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and efficient way for saying i care
Professor Rushwan's Invention is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and efficient way for saying i care

Chris Williams

The exceptionally high thermal conductivity of Professor Rushwan invention cooled down my severely high motor temperature in canada's summer heat waves
The exceptionally high thermal conductivity of Professor Rushwan invention cooled down my severely high motor temperature in canada's summer heat waves
The exceptionally high thermal conductivity of Professor Rushwan invention cooled down my severely high motor temperature in canada's summer heat waves, thanks professor

Chris Cogin

Having an oil recycling tool in my car for all time is a brilliant idea from Prof. Rushwan
Having an oil recycling tool in my car for all time is a brilliant idea from Prof. Rushwan
Having an oil recycling tool in my car for all time is a brilliant idea from Prof. Rushwan

Professor Rushwan's Invention became a must addition by demand from all my classic collection customers
Professor Rushwan's Invention became a must addition by demand from all my classic collection customers
Professor Rushwan's Invention became a must addition by demand from all my classic collection customers

Five minutes after installing Prof. Rushwan's Invention, my engine's hoarse sound despaired, thanks professor.
Five minutes after installing Prof. Rushwan's Invention, my engine's hoarse sound despaired, thanks professor.
Five minutes after installing Prof. Rushwan's Invention, my engine's hoarse sound despaired, thanks professor.

saving money for us not from us
Prof. Rushwan Saved us money

Prof. Rushwan Saved us money

Less downtime means more time for my family, Thanks Professor
Less downtime means more time for my family, Thanks Professor
Less downtime means more time for my family, Thanks Professor

Positive feedbacks and reviews from all over the world, I'm very proud dealing with Prof. Rushwan.
Positive feedbacks and reviews from all over the world, I'm very proud dealing with Prof. Rushwan.
Positive feedbacks and reviews from all over the world, I'm very proud dealing with Prof. Rushwan.

No troubles having multiple automotives as long Prof. Rushwan's innovations are around us
No troubles having multiple automotives as long Prof. Rushwan's innovations are around us
No troubles having multiple automotives as long Prof. Rushwan's innovations are around us

Coefficient of friction near zero means near 0 drag, an unsurpassed innovation
Coefficient of friction near zero means near 0 drag, an unsurpassed innovation from Professor rushwan
Coefficient of friction near zero means near 0 drag, an unsurpassed innovation from Professor rushwan

With Prof. Rushwan Innovations, we've already moved to the next level of automotive technology.
With Prof. Rushwan Innovations, we've already moved to the next level of automotive technology.
With Prof. Rushwan Innovations, we've already moved to the next level of automotive technology.

I always wait for every new invention of Professor Rushwan to get it at once.
I always wait for every new invention of Professor Rushwan to get it at once.
I always wait for every new invention of Professor Rushwan to get it at once.

Customers request Professor Rushwan's products by his name directly
Customers request Professor Rushwan's products by his name directly
Customers request Professor Rushwan's products by his name directly

After Prof. Rushwan Astonishing proven test at clear air, We apply his innovative products as a standard treatment before clear air test.
After Prof. Rushwan Astonishing proven test at clear air, We apply his innovative products as a standard treatment before clear air test.
After Prof. Rushwan Astonishing proven test at clear air, We apply his innovative products as a standard treatment before clear air test.

Make a children branch in the technology Bank
Make a children branch in the technology Bank
Make a children branch in the technology Bank

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Prof. Rushwan
on the dark side of the moon